If your current paid time off (PTO), vacation, or paid sick time policies do not meet or exceed the new standard set by the New York State Paid Sick Leave Law, SimcoHR can assist you with putting together a policy that satisfies this requirement. Give us a call at (585) 750-3246.
On April 3, 2020, New York enacted a long-expected statewide Paid Sick Leave Law impacting all private employers in NY. The law’s leave accrual provisions take effect September 30, 2020; however, employers are not required to provide sick leave to any employee until January 1, 2021.
Under the law, sick leave must be accrued by each employee at a rate of 1 hour per 30 hours worked. The total amount of sick leave for which an employee is eligible in a calendar year, and whether such leave is paid or unpaid, depends on the size of the employer, as follows:
An employee may use leave in partial-day increments, but an employer may set a minimum increment of not more than four hours. Unused sick leave must be carried over to the next calendar year, but an employer may cap annual usage at 40 hours (for small employers) or 56 hours (for employers with 100 or more employees).
A mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition of the employee or a family member, regardless of whether such illness, injury, or condition has been diagnosed or requires medical care at the time (that leave is requested);
The diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition of, or
the need for medical diagnosis of, or preventive care” for the employee or a family member; or
An absence from work due to any of the following reasons when the employee or a family member has been the victim of domestic violence, a family offense, sexual offense, stalking, or human trafficking: to obtain services from a domestic violence shelter, rape crisis center, or other services program.
Paid sick leave must be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay. Upon returning to work following leave, an employee must be restored to the same job position with the same pay and other terms and conditions of employment.
If an employer’s voluntary sick leave policy already meets or exceeds all requirements of the new sick leave statute, the employer is not required to provide any additional leave.
The law permits a unionized employer to negotiate to provide a comparable benefit, in the form of leave, compensation, other employee benefits, or some combination thereof, in lieu of the sick leave required under the law, provided that the collective bargaining agreement refers specifically to the paid sick leave law.
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